
Prontophot is an interactive installation, which captures visitors, archives them and mixes them to an endless videoclip. This all happens automatic and without delay.
The installation consists of a box containing severall screens and a button. Once the button is pressed, it captures a short videosequence of the visitor. These sequnces are stored and mixed to a videoclip, which reacts to the sound from the DJ.
During a VJ-performance we usually add a background to the prontophot mix, as you can see in the following quicktimes.

This diagramm explains schematically How_Prontophot_works.pdf

Prontophot was presented at these Locations:
• Kinzo Club,
Berlin 06/03 -> video and photos
• Videofestival Bochum
05/03-> video
• WMF, Berlin - clubvideo
-> video
• Club Transmediale 2000, Berlin -> video -> Screenshots
• WMF, Berlin - together with Pfadfinderei and bpitchctrl. 01/02

Variations of the Prontophot Installation:
Gwand Luzern 2000
-> video

Remix all Transistor
-> video
This variation of prontophot is not interactive, it is very similar to clubtomatique which was created shortly afterwards.
Art Forum Berlin, 2000

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